What inspires you?

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Dave Chin will …
  • Reignite your passion and inspire you to create the successful business you always envisioned.
  • 1st seek to understand; then help you to lay the foundational pieces needed to achieve your goals.
  • Be your trusted mentor, your advocate and your conscience. Dave will challenge you, push you, hold you accountable, and congratulate you on a job well done.
  • See the forest-for-the-trees. As an outsider, he isn’t blinded by industry standard or too many years in your business.
  • Bring a fresh perspective, a bag full of tools and contacts putting you squarely in control of your business.

Dave Chin is …
  • A results driven professional with over 25 years experience in Sales, Marketing Strategies, Finance, Manufacturing and Engineering. He holds an MBA and is a joint inventor of two Intel process patents. 
  • A successful small business owner himself; he knows the challenges of running and growing a business on your own. 
  • Passionate about helping fellow business owners achieve the kind of success that supports their lifelong dreams. 
  • Uncompromising in his integrity; high ethical standard and always seeking win-win-win solutions.  
  • A compassionate and caring individual; devoted to his family, his community and his faith.
Reignite the passion for your business

Dave’s clients are re-energized, refocused, and growing their businesses more than they ever thought possible.  They work less hours, earn more money and experience less stress.  

Are you ready to get your business growing?
Schedule your complimentary coaching session today!

  • Make a lot more profit
  • Learn how to build a successful business
  • Grow your business beyond yourself
  • Get your life back
  • Regain the passion and vision you had when you first started the business
  • Learn to motivate your staff so they are giving 100%
  • And so much more…

Everybody Needs a Coach

​Meet Coach Extraordinaire, Dave Chin

BusinessCOACH of Oregon © 2023  |  All Rights Reserved

Contact Dave NOW for a

Complimentary Coaching Session 

BusinessCOACH of Oregon  

14939 NW Dominion Dr Portland, OR 97229         

503-645-0592   dave@businesscoachoforegon.com